Next Meeting:
Monday May 13th
$20 Annually

$30 Annually

Senior/Students: $10 Annually

Live, Work, Love, Join.
Are you interested in the future of Hampden? Do you love living or working here? Do you jump at the opportunity to tell others about how great our neighborhood is? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please consider becoming a member of Hampden Community Council today.
If you´ve ever said to yourself "I wish they would have asked me for my opinion about (fill in the blank)", or "I have a great idea to make Hampden better" then HCC membership is for you!
The simple fact is that when the city looks for input on projects that effect our neighborhood - when the big decisions need to be made in Hampden - they don´t ask Bob down the street, they ask the Hampden Community Council. The HCC is the voice for everyone in Hampden: homeowners, businesses, teenagers, seniors, newcomers and old-timers alike. EVERYONE. We want and need you to be a part of Hampden´s voice.
Your membership supports the continued free distribution of our monthly newsletter The Historic Hampden Happenings. It also helps improve our community through our education, clean & green and zoning committees. The more members we have, the better we can represent Hampden and the stronger our voice becomes.
Become a member with the form above and then join us at our next HCC general meeting. EVERYONE is welcome. Remember that although all HCC General meetings are open to the public, you must have paid your annual dues in the current calendar year to vote on pertinent neighborhood issues.
Have a topic for an upcoming meeting? Email
Thank you to our 2022 HCC Sponsors!